Elena + Victor | San Antonio Japanese Tea Garden Engagements

I met this Elena and Victor this year at an open house that happened to be on Super Bowl Sunday! I am so glad they still came out and we got to connect then 🙂 They are so sweet together and still have that “new” relationship glow even after being together for 6 years and engaged for 4 years now. It was so refreshing!

Victor interviewed Elena for a job, but they didn’t start dating until they were no longer coworkers. Victor was very persistent and asked her to hang out quite often, but she kept her distance while they worked together. He asked her out again AFTER they had different jobs and she finally caved and the rest is history!

They went to San Japan in 2015 dressed in full cosplay of Splatoon characters! Victor had a plan for the proposal and seems to have orchestrated everything flawlessly because Elena had NO CLUE! He was brave enough to propose in front of a room full of strangers and she was kind enough to say yes automatically and not keep him waiting!

They have planned to have Lord of the Ring details for their wedding and I’m kinda wondering if I should get some elf ears for the occasion 😉 While I wait for their fall wedding here are a few of my favorites from our spring engagement session in San Antonio.

Now, I could be wrong but Elena’s dress looks like it’s covered in cherry blossoms which is SO fitting for Japanese Tea Garden, right?

I love how you can almost hear her giggle in any of these smiling photos!

I had such a blast walking all those steps with you two and I can’t wait until your fall wedding at Castle Avalon!