Yoakum, TX Family – Alecia + Brian

country blended family yoakum texas photo

I took a 45 minute drive to Yoakum to photograph this family in their own slice of Heaven. It was so gorgeous and the weather matched. Everything kinda fell together perfectly almost as if the universe knew it was photo day. 🙂 From the get go Alecia shared details about their families coming together as one big, blended family that made me feel like I had been along for the ride. I am so glad Alecia and Brian found each other and then found me to take these photos for them!2016-11-14_0001

The three older boys were a bit shy in front of the camera…I believe “I hate smiling” is what they told me, but they ended up having fun I think because I didn’t have to try and pull it out of them. While I had my work cut out for me with the boys the two littlest were such good sports and so ready to play with my camera.

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This is such a SWEET ride! It was dating me a bit when the kids didn’t realize that not all cars had A/C or auto buttons to roll down the windows. They were kinda like “What do you mean you had to roll down your own window because it was too hot?!?” Oh lord… I felt old…

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Oh my gosh! I was so nervous for this family up on this amazing tree! I would have fallen flat on my face, but nope, not this family. They all got up there with ease (Alecia in heels!!) and just kinds stood there like “Yeah, we do this all the time. No biggie” Mad props to them.

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Yes, Brian does have a phone in his hand. No, they aren’t just THAT in love with technology. It’s a intimate inside thing between him and Alecia.

And it’s super sweet. Trust me 😉
