How to make this the BEST year yet!

I confess…I’m GUILTY! I am human and I screw up and make mistakes. One of the most common mistakes I make is to set unrealistic goals and try to fool myself into thinking they are achievable just to be disappointed and upset with myself for not making it. Whether it was for New Year’s, a special occasion or just because, I would set myself up for failure! I have decided to whistle a different tune and set myself up for success instead. I pick things being very specific and with a shorter timeline, so instead of  “I want to be healthier” switch it to “I will eat one veggie filled meal per day”. If you are having a hard time this year coming up with new resolutions I have listed a few below…I am positive you can find JUST one that you could use to set the tone of your 2017.

new year's resolutions new year's resolutions new year's resolutions new year's resolutions new year's resolutions