2014 Resolution #3 – Smarter Food Choices

I know how cliche having this as one of my resolutions looks to the passer by, but for me this will be a really hard and necessary task. Starting from when I was younger I can remember my family eating out quite a bit. Like almost everyday. My dad worked days and my mom worked nights; so by the time he was off and she was awake and ready fro work there was not a bunch of time for either of them to cook dinner. This lead to us switching restaurants a ton. On top for that I have always loved food the specifically was really bad for anyone. Pizza, cheeseburgers and ice cream and the like were consumed by myself on a weekly basis. Not the best diet to have in your teens. As I grew so did my independence. that means I was fending for myself more and that includes but is not limited to meals. I continued to make bad unhealthy choices. I would not say I was overweight, but I was legit out of shape.

I have 2 kids now and I want them to eat better. I can’t say “Do as I say and not as I do” forever. I need to be a health example. My husband’s helps, but that’s only when we are together. I need to be able to eat by myself of with my friends, away from him, and choose a healthy dish. It’s gonna be super duper hard. As I’m writing this I’m wishing for a slice of pie. Any kind of pie really. *sigh*

How many of you are in the same boat as me?